Since last year, we embarked on a very ambitious advocacy project targeting 3 maa counties; Kajiado, Narok & Samburu. We envisioned a lot, stemming from the lack of awareness on climate justice and hence their exclusion in important decision making spaces & in...


On the 19.04.2024, we join @fff_pastoralist and hundreds of Pastoralists youths from Kajiado and other counties in the Global Climate Strike in solidarity with @fridaysforfuture & under @fridaysforfutureke ‼️📣📢 📣If you are from this area and would like to join us,...


Sasal, Headed by Manasiti Omar (Founder and Executive Director) together with other six female leaders in climate change and climate action co-lead in writing an open letter to the African Head of States and Goverment to mainstream gender in Climate discussions ahead...