Who Are We?
SASAL is a non-governmental organization working with pastoral communities in Arid and semi-arid lands to build climate resilience. To achieve climate resilience, we have developed several programs on awareness/knowledge creation, mitigation, and adaptation.
The idea for SASAL was born in the year 2015 but became a reality in September 2019. It was initially named “smile of a pastoralist” but then renamed.
Our story stems from an exciting point of view from our founder, who is also a meteorologist and from a pastoral community. She couldn’t help but notice the continuous land degradation, recurrent droughts, and loss of livelihood in her home area in Magadi, Kajiado county. Studying meteorology led her to believe that the effects of droughts such as the loss of livelihoods could be evaded by proper preparedness by following weather forecasts issued by the Kenya Meteorological department. However, she realized some of the barriers hindering the farmers from consuming the weather forecasts and using them. That’s when the idea was born of forming an organization that will be like a “spring” not only in Kajiado county but all of the Arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya and help people build climate resilience through creating awareness, adapting to climate change and some mitigation actions. Hence the name Spring of the ASAL’s.
Our Mission
To work with the Pastoral communities in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands(ASALs) of Kenya for their improved climate resilience.
Our Vision
Climate- resilient and thriving pastoral communities capable of anicipating, coping and recovering from the impacts of climate change.
Our Goals
SASAL has identified several goals to be implemented in order to meet the organizational mission.
What we do

Land Restoration

Climate Storytelling
Our Impact
Litres of water distributed during the course
Indigenous & fruit trees grown
Video stories short & shared
Climate Resilience & Gender Equality
Greening the ASAL’s (Land Restoration)
Living in the ASAL’s (Climate Story Telling )
This project started out in 2023 and seeks to develop climate- resilient & gender equal pastoral villages
A land restoration project that utilizes the agroforestry technique
Creating awareness of the impacts of climate change on pastoral communities, sharing stories of strength, culture & resilience
Research findings presented to over 30 professionals of gender & climate change & published on different platforms
56,000 litres benefited 1,400 families
More knowledge created within the community on climate change & gender equality
150 fruits & indigenous trees grown
5 households benefited with vegetables enough for a meal of a family of 6 for 5 months
50*100 chunk of land owned by SASAL restored
More than 2500 accounts reached
Shared with a number of organizations and media