Earlier, we made our first intervention of providing relief support to internally displaced persons by floods in Entasopia, Magadi Ward

After conducting an online fundraiser- we managed to raise approximately KSH 40,401/300USD via paypal and this is what we managed to provide:

1. Maize flour 10bales-Approx 240kgs
2. Sanitary towels- 120pcs
3. Clothes for girls and women
4. Contributed 5,000 to the community kitty for repairing roads and rescue services (for items in destroyed public infrastructure such as hospital, polytechnic etc)

Receipts and accounting for this donations coming up in the next Post!

Thank you for supporting our intervention & helping us touch the lives of more than 54 families in Entasopia Kajiado County!

#charity #donation #sdgs #climateaction #floods #kenya #intervention