Our first advocacy tool- a climate justice song dubbed ‘Toning’o’- meaning Listen! Sang by 3 Maasai local artists

As a grassroot organization working with the indigenous pastoral communities in Kenya, we noted with great concern the lack of their engagement in climate decision making spaces hence their needs ignored. In addition, these communities also lack awareness on climate justice & the appropriate channels to attain it despite being amongst those worst hit by the impacts of #climatechange

We therefore resorted to, through our advocacy program dubbed “Pastoralists Awake; a common voice and agenda” start an intensive internal awareness creation phase to first of all inform the community on climate justice, before strategising on how to effectively claim it. Our aim is to create a movement of a well-informed, knowledgeable pastoral community capable of working towards climate justice.

In particular, we are working towards reparations for the historical losses & damages our communities have experienced & therefore aligning our campaign along the loss and damage fund!

Listen to Toning’o here: https://lnkd.in/dWZm_wXt

#climatejustice #advocacy #youthled #indigenous #lossanddamage #climateaction