We officially kickstarted our 3-days training on beadwork aspects such as: color coding, finishing, product diversification etc. 

The Enkang’ Women group in Musenke (under the Enkang’ model for Gender Equality & Climate Resilience by SASAL), Kajiado County is a legally registered group with 63 women members. In a bid to empower these women financially in a sustainable way, we are training them to sharpen their beading skills, financial literacy (to ensure they manage their business model efficiently) and on entrepreneurship skills (to ensure sustainability of the business). 

Prior to this, these group made several batches of products that SASAL managed to sell since September 2023 & deposited the proceeds to the women’s group bank account! .

The empowerment program is geared towards promoting #genderequality through empowering women financially hence restoring their personal power, confidence to resist mistreatment and reduce over dependence on their male counterparts hence able to step in to counter harmful decisions e.g. Female genital mutilation, early marriages, as they themselves can be able to provide for their children without depending on their spouses. 

Women from this group are also building #climateresilience by using the income-profit from their beadwork business to dig water bunds, establish kitchen gardens etc.